Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fifth Place

Sea Witch
(Frank Frazetta, 1966)

Two silver snakes fly
from her outstretched arms.
She:  white as moon
bathed in gauzy pall
hair Nix-black
a thick dark wave
roiling in wind
gold on her ears
wrists   neck   slung
from her waist.
She commands
mottled clouds  
fierce ocean
of azure and lapis
now stained with the patina
of storm. 
Below the rock
on which she stands
something dark  
dappled   tentacled
rises   winds itself
around her craggy dais;
behind her a leviathan
lizard hoists itself
pulling veins of ocean
in its wake.
She basks in dominion.

©2015 Taunja Thomson

About the Author Taunja Thomson
My poetry has appeared in The Cincinnati Poets’ Collective, The Cincinnati Poetry Review, The Licking River Review, The Aurorean (2014), Lime Hawk Collective Arts Journal (2015), Really System (2015), Squalorly (2015), and Wild Age Press (2015).  My poem “Seahorse and Moon” was nominated for the Pushcart Award in 2005.  The Cahaba River Journal will feature my work in its 2015 spring and summer editions.  I have a writer’s page on Facebook at
I reside in Kentucky with my husband and seven cats, where I practice collage craft, terrarium creation, and water gardening.

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