Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Please share, corporations are not citizens, people, humans, homo sapiens.

Please share, corporations are not citizens, people, humans, homo sapiens. They can not have political beliefs (bad call Supreme Corporation (oops) Court on the Citizens United verdict.) Corporations can not have religious beliefs either another bad call by our life appointed judges to the highest court in the land. Corporations do not have brains ergo they can not think to form beliefs. If these individuals or groups want their rights of religious freedoms then quit trying to have your cake and eat it too. They want the financial protection given to their private fortunes afforded by forming a corporation because it isn't a living breathing entity. People can not seek damages beyond the assets of the corporation thus protecting their individual wealth. Corporations insulate against many taxes and families can transfer the wealth from generation to generation without some of the hangups actual people deal with. The government can fine a corporation, but it can not throw it in jail no matter how criminal (i.e. BP) people can be thrown in prison. YET!!! What these same families want is to pick and chose what laws they follow. They want to be treated as corporations when it benefits them, but they want to circumvent the corporate laws they don't like as individuals. Bull :poop: become unincorporated if you want your personal religious freedoms or political views. What next is our Supreme Court going to give corporations the right to vote? Claim exemption for their children on their tax returns? If the Internal Revenue Code doesn't allow corporations to claim Social Security Tax exemptions for the owner of the corporations' children because corporations can't have children due to not be a living breathing entity then how can the Supreme Court use a different standard for religion and political views. All they did was create a corporate get out of obeying the law card for political reasons. The court which is suppose to be neutral and keep the balance in our government by interpreting our Constitution and Bill of Rights, not the Republican Party or Democratic Party platforms. If you still don't understand how stupid our court ruled then think of this for clarification. If a crazy gunman walks into a McDonald's shooting and a police officer can save a pregnant woman or the cash register, one or the other, the court just told the cop to save the cash register which sadly enough explains everything wrong with our country today. :(  

1 comment:

  1. Capitalism spread in the US from the early 20th century. Now, the whole world is in imminent danger from the system.
